On Tue, May 27, 1997 at 06:08:16PM -0700, Kent W. England wrote:
If the ISP community doesn't address the email problem with protocols and technical solutions, then the legislators will respond to their constituents with regulations.
At this point, we'll have to do both -- there's already a large outcry for legislation, and it's inevitable that something will pass (I support the Smith bill; Murkowski clearly has no idea what he's talking about.)
IOPS.ORG could hire some lawyers or spearhead an email initiative.
The ISP/C already has a published stance...there's also the Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial E-mail (www.cauce.org). This is getting farther off-topic for NANOG, and there are many other lists out there dealing with spam, so please reply to me personally if a reply is warranted. ---------========== J.D. Falk <jdfalk@cybernothing.org> =========--------- | "Knights in shining armor go | | Protected, safe in Merlin's glow | | Have been blessed by machines, so | | They now belong to the community." --Robert A. Newsom | ----========== http://www.cybernothing.org/jdfalk/home.html ==========----