While not at all touching the accuracy of knujon's stats with a bargepole, it would be interesting if some process were developed to deaccredit or otherwise kill off the shell registrars .. and the bogus LIRs (which is how the thread started). On Thu, Dec 31, 2009 at 10:02 PM, Eric Brunner-Williams <brunner@nic-naa.net> wrote:
[1] shell registrars exist for another exploit, to maximize race contention results for the VGRS drop pool, the acquisition of expired names which have "name" value or residual traffic monitization value. Four companies control 318 US domiciled ICANN accreditations: eNom (116), Directi/PDR (47), Dotster (51), and Snapnames (104). Source: http://www.knujon.com/registrars/
-- Suresh Ramasubramanian (ops.lists@gmail.com)