the report itself is linked to from http://www.itu.int/wsis/wgig/index.html
Many of you may find it more interesting and useful to read through and comment upon one or two of the working papers posted here: http://wgig.org/working-papers.html I would hope that people with special expertise in these areas might take the time to read one of these working papers to ensure that they don't have major inaccuracies. Remember, this is politics and in politics perception often equals reality. This is the list of topics they cover. - Administration of Internet names and IP addresses - Administration of the Root Server system - Peering and Interconnection - Telecommunications infrastructure, broadband access, convergence with NGN - Cyber security, cybercrime - Competition policy, liberalization, privatization and regulations - Multilingualization of Internet naming systems - Spam - Dispute Resolution - Security of network and information systems - Technical Standards - Affordable and universal access - Social dimensions and inclusion - VoIP - E-commerce - Consumer, user protection and privacy - Unlawful content and access protection - Intellectual Property Rights (Executive Summary) - Cultural and linguistic diversity - Education and human capacity building - National Policies and Regulations