Guys/girls/furry-creatures-from-!Earth, Complaining on nanog-ml is likely to only achieve personal stress relief. This is something you should bring up with your vendor. Say that you'll move vendors if they don't start making "better" BGP implementations and adding the features you guys want. Make the list of "better" features open, public, and actively solicit alternatives. Follow up on your threat. This is your business bottom line after all. Don't just use it as a reason to get lower prices from your current vendor and then continue complaining when dumb crap like this occurs. It would be great if vendor(s) participated in a public interoperability test suite where researchers could test their stuff against it before unleashing it on the public internet. I'd love to see something public -and- cross institutional, -and- include access to things like CRS-level equipment. Go on, I dare you. :) 2c, Adrian