Ehud, You are pretty unforgiving. Shall we all watch and when you screw up rush to filter your blocks? Not every provider has a huge staff with nothing else to do. Even when one dedicates personnel to it, not everyone has the experienced unix wizards to make it happen in no time flat. You might be right to consider blocking the originators of the spam but then we got hit from a UUNET dialup port in honolulu among others including a small isp called cwia not to mention numerous PSI dialups including San Luis Opisbo. So go ahead, Ehud, I dare you to block all PSI in 38/8 and the UUNET dial ports as well. (And this from huge players who should have implemented filter rules to prevent their users from doing ip spoofing and from using mail servers other than UUNET and other authorized servers). Given this state of affairs, it seems ludicrous to block someone like Graphnet . Hit the 'vanity mail' and 'profit engineering' outfits by all means. Not companies that are being victimized. Dana Hudes Graphnet Ehud Gavron wrote:
I'm sorry but the North American Excuses List is elsewhere.
What does "we are working on it" mean to you? To me it
means "We don't want to do anything about it."
What does "please give us some time to correct the problem" mean to you? To me it means "We're stalling for as much time as we can get. Just make an exception for us, would you. Maybe our exception will just stay there forever. We're working on it, you know."
Spam is the content-destroyer of the Internet. Blocking, removing, no-compromising, no-accepting, and rejecting is the solution.
I just finished a writeup which covers anti-spam methods
- route filters
Ack! You put 'datablast.net' in their Marty! :)
Seriously, we are working on the Datablast problem. Datablast has basically been victimized by the spammers. While not directly a part of TIAC, we do support Datablasts servers et. al.
In any event, before blocking Datablast.NET, please give us some time to correct the problem. For the record, TIAC does NOT support spamming. Nor does Datablast.NET
-- Martin Hannigan (hannigan@tiac.net) Voice: 617-932-2000 TIAC - Network Operations Semper Cabalis Network Engineer http://www.tiac.net