Whos doing the spyiing, anyway?, sounds like a colaboration betwen Microsoft and the NSA. Sounds to me like Microsoft, and the NSA,are doing the spyiing. If some judge declare this actions illegal, a crime, Microsoft will be co-perpetrators. Even if no judge declare this a crime, what about the customer position? a) Microsoft lied to you. b) Microsoft conspired with others to break your privacy. c) They did more than the law forced them, to break your privacy. d) You are the product that Microsoft sells to the NSA. Somebody, somewhere on the USA governement, trought that after the 9/11, normal laws not-apply, including the constitution. New laws where made to give free reign, and people like Microsoft happyly jumped to make some money out of it. This is wrong. -- -- ℱin del ℳensaje.