27 May
27 May
9:22 p.m.
On 5/26/07, Randy Bush <randy@psg.com> wrote: [ snip ]
wow! you missed the one day workshop in the lacnic meeting you just attended? bummer.
I'm lucky enough to be able to attend RIPE, ARIN, and LACNIC meetings so that I can get basic information since I can't get that at a NANOG meeting. I can advertise a v6 prefix, number a host, and I know what a tunnel is. I believe you already understand that I'm talking about operational experiences as well as basic training as a service to our community. Your comment seems to accidentally infer that you support my point in that we should have more v6 activity at NANOG meetings and on this list so that people don't have to go to Latin America or Europe to get it. Best, Marty