On 03/12/2009, at 22:46, "TJ" <trejrco@gmail.com> wrote:
From: Mark Newton [mailto:newton@internode.com.au] On 03/12/2009, at 9:51 AM, Dave Temkin wrote:
You're correct, out of the box there aren't many. The first couple that come to mind are the Apple Airport Express and Airport Extreme, but I don't believe Linksys/Netgear/etc. have support out of the box.
The Apple products do 6to4 out of the box, but don't support v6 natively.
FWIW - The (Cisco) Linksys 610N does (and perhaps others do?) the same amount of IPv6 the Airport Extreme does - 6to4, SLAAC - out of the box, by default. In fact, I am not sure you can turn it off ..
Yep -- which is worse than useless in the presence of a service provider that's already offering dual-stack service. "Here! Have a v6 address. We'll even give you a moderately large prefix if you run a DHCPv6-PD client... Oh, what? You're going to ignore all that and use a 6to4 gateway and pessimize the v6 routing decisions we've made? And live in one /64 even though every man and his dog reckons service providers ought to be handing out /56's or / 48's? Gee, glad we went to the effort..." Sadly the easiest way for residential subscribers to get IPv6 on PPPoE in 2009 is to put their CPE into "bridge" mode and run the PPPoE client on a PC. The vendors have really dropped the ball on this. (glares at Cisco/Linksys) - mark