25 Feb
25 Feb
12:18 p.m.
At 06:17 PM 25-02-08 +0900, Matsuzaki Yoshinobu wrote:
All good, er, bad reasons. Fixing the "filter your downstreams" problem is very important. It would also solve 90-something percent of the problems mentioned in this thread. E.g. as7007. :)
I am in the APRICOT meeting in Taipei now, and met a guy from PCCW/AS3491. I have showed him this thread, and have suggested 1) validating prefixes from downstreams before accept, and 2) setting an inbound prefix-filter to their downstreams.
Now if only everyone here on NANOG were to do what Matsuzaki has done, and take the time to educate those less clueless, the world would be a better place. -Hank