Hi Randy, all, We’ve updated our page: https://www.ripe.net/manage-ips-and-asns/resource-management/certification/r... <https://www.ripe.net/manage-ips-and-asns/resource-management/certification/ripe-ncc-rpki-trust-anchor-structure> It now shows the correct TALs: https://tal.rpki.ripe.net/ripe-ncc.tal <https://tal.rpki.ripe.net/ripe-ncc.tal> (preferred) https://tal.rpki.ripe.net/ripe-ncc-rfc8630.tal <https://tal.rpki.ripe.net/ripe-ncc-rfc8630.tal> https://tal.rpki.ripe.net/ripe-ncc-validator-3.tal <https://tal.rpki.ripe.net/ripe-ncc-validator-3.tal> (RIPE NCC RPKI Validator 3 format) I hope this helps. Best regards, Nathalie Trenaman RIPE NCC
Op 2 aug. 2020, om 20:52 heeft Randy Bush <randy@psg.com> het volgende geschreven:
so i was trying to ensure i had a current set of TALs and was directed to
the supposed TAL at the bottom of the page is pretty creative. anyone know what to do there?
i kinda hacked with emacs and get
but kinda expected an rrdp uri too
and, to add insult to injury, the APNIC web page with their TAL
requires javascript!
not to mention the ARIN stupidity
as if we needed another exercise in bureaucrats making operations painful. most operations of any size have internal departments perfectly capable of doing that.