<FLAME ON> It has been a trying time at CAIS in the last few days, I'm sure. PSINet dumped all of their DSL customers onto CAIS. Covad is the backhaul provider for them both. Need I say more? Bottom line, I dont know how many thousands of people were without service for more than a day because the whole transfer was botched. We have a situation where we had a DSL connection from PSI and were using our own IP addresses. Problem is that no one changed the routing tables and the packets dead-ended at PSI. Getting CAIS to fix this problem has been a nightmare. At first, PSI didnt stop announcing the routes and now that they have, it seems that CAIS will not announce the routes till Monday becuase "no one at our NOC knows how to do this and the one guy (ONE GUY IN THE WHOLE COMPANY - AND THEY ARE A NATIONWIDE PROVIDER????) who knows how doesn't work weekends." Bottom line from CAIS:" S***W the customers, we dont work weekends. We don't care that your entire business has been dead in the water since Wednesday, you can go to H**L, we'll get to it Monday, if we feel like it." Our lawyers are looking at what actions we can take against them. It may be trickey, but we will try. Needless to say, we will be moving our connection. I have some choice words for them when they send us our first monthly bill, which I'm certain, they will do on weekends just fine. IF SOMEONE IS THERE AT CAIS - GET OFF OF YOUR LAZY A** AND PUT THOSE ANNOUNCEMENTS INTO YOUR BGP4 TABLES TODAY (NOT MONDAY, NOT LATER IN THE WEEK)- THERE ARE ABOUT 6 OF YOUR CUSTOMERS (NOT JUST US) WHO ARE DEAD IN THE WATER BECAUSE YOU ARE TOO LAZY TO DO A 20 SECOND JOB. <flame off - sorry to the list for being so loud> John