On Thu, 31 Aug 2000, Patrick Greenwell wrote:
On Thu, 31 Aug 2000, David R. Conrad wrote:
With 15 POPs spread throughout the US and Europe, and more on the way, with exceedingly non-contiguous space obtained from 6 different upstreams, it would benefit ourselves as well as our many providers to have our own PI space.
I suspect the number of organizations who can claim "it would benefit ourselves as well as our many providers" will greatly exceed the number of available routing slots before IPv6 comes anywhere close to being significantly deployed.
Gosh, doesn't that beg the question: why don't we require the return of all that wasted space that was delegated to anyone and everyone so long ago?
No joke. It used to be you could get address space just by knowing how to ask for it. "Um, ya. You got a /8 laying around I can have? Oh, sure. I'll make efficient use of it... Ya. That's it. That's the ticket!" Now, even after demonstrating efficient use of IP space, it's a pain in the butt. Then again, back then our pings traveled 10,000 miles, up hill both ways, in 6ft of snow, barefoot, on their way to school and back. John Fraizer EnterZone, Inc