Drew, Optimum's Hotspot locator will show partner hotspots that they have access through. Check out their wifi locator page below to see you will have wifi coverage. http://m.optimumwifi.com/results.php?s=quick&t=washington+dc&local=1&lat=38 .9072309&lon=-77.0364641#pageTop They may also have an iPhone/Android app for locating optimum hotspots similar to Comcast's appsÅ Android version = https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.comcast.hsf iPhone version = https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/xfinity-wifi/id549643634?mt=8 Thanks! -chae On 8/25/13 6:18 PM, "Drew Linsalata" <drew.linsalata@gmail.com> wrote:
I know, completely non-operational and off topic, but have any of you folks in the DC area seen the CableWiFi SSID around town? Traveling next week and I can't get confirmation nor denial that my Optimum Online account will get me wifi access down there.