On Thu, 20 Jan 2005 20:16:14 +0530, Suresh Ramasubramanian <ops.lists@gmail.com> wrote:
Analogies suck, but look at (for example) Norton AntiVirus. You pay for a year of virus definition updates. Then when the year runs out, Symantec is not going to give you a single new virus definition even if there's a new worm around that dwarfs Sobig, Klez and all the other viruses put together ... I can see brand C following a similar strategy with their bogon updates.
The problem with this analogy is that the failure modes are opposite. Once something is a virus, it stays a virus, so keeping it in your virus file forever is fine; all you miss are the new viruses. But once something is a bogon, it doesn't stay a bogon; it eventually will get used, unless the Great IPv6 Revolution catches up with us first. A slightly more conservative approaches is to not list the next couple of address blocks as bogons, but that just means that problems will occur six months later when everybody's forgotten to update them. ---- Thanks; Bill Note that this isn't my regular email account - It's still experimental so far. And Google probably logs and indexes everything you send it.