Joe, I haven't done that kind of work for a few years now, but I assume the answer to your question in terms of hardware is still yes. By and large the problem isn't hardware, it's finding the institutional will to actually do the thing. That requires a lot of education, creating or buying resources that can do the architecture, and ultimately the rollout, etc. etc. And before all of that you have to overcome the fear of things that are new and different, and even 20 years later that's still a tough hill to climb. Doug On 1/21/21 1:01 PM, j k wrote:
Organizations I have worked with for IPv6 transition, reduced CAPex and OPex by leveraging the IT refresh cycle, and by ensuring there investment included leveraging the USGv6 (https://www.nist.gov/programs-projects/usgv6-program) or IPv6Ready (https://www.ipv6ready.org/) to mitigate the "We sell IPv6 products, and want to you to pay for the debugging costs".
Can I assume other organizations don't leverage the IT refresh cycle?
Joe Klein