On 18 February 2019 06:58:21 GMT, Viruthagiri Thirumavalavan <giri@dombox.org> wrote:
Just gone through all your replies.
Literally everyone attacking me here. Could you tell me why? Because I have been rude to John Levine, right? So you all think you have the right to give me "mob justice". But as an innocent man I have to suffer all John Levine attacks because he is a most valued member of NANOG. Is that what you are all saying?
There is only one regret I have in this situation. I shouldn't have been rude with Töma Gavrichenkov and Suresh Ramasubramanian. That's because they didn't know what happened between John and me 6 months back. Most probably they would never have behaved with me in the way John behaved. I wasn't paying attention to that part. When I noticed the word "50 words", I thought they are mocking me too.
--------- @Töma Gavrichenkov and Suresh Ramasubramanian
I don't think I can go back and correct my mistakes. But trust me. I do regret for my words. I'm really sorry for being rude with you two. Take this as my sincerest apology. You two deserve that. ---------
It sucks when you sit on the "humiliation" chair when the mistake is not yours. I'm a farmer's son from a third world country, yet trying to contribute to this world in the way I can.
Asking for feedback is not a mistake. But I have been attacked in multiple lists for that. This is the only thread I was rude and cocky.
What you all think I spend my time only in attacking others? Have you ever noticed my other threads <https://lists.gt.net/nanog/users/202185>? I usually give respect to everyone. But I can't give respect to people who don't care about others feelings. What you all think, I'm a heartless man?
One guy was attacking me for my poor english skills. Excuse me for not being poetic in my paper. I studied in my local language. English was an alien language to me. I started to learn "English" only in my early twenties. I just turned 30. This is what I picked in the past 10 years.
Just because the ball is in your court doesn't mean, you all can throw at me in the way you can. I explained what happened between John Levine and me in my original post. That's because I don't want this man to go and create another thread to attack me or meddle in my efforts.
I'm a guy who spend day and night in working on things I believe. I'm definitely not gonna turn into a Mark Zuckerberg. But I'm gonna make a difference to this world one way or another.
None of never completed my paper. Most probably you have no idea what's in it. But you all think you have the right to attack me, because I was rude with John? This is an engineering community. Don't convert it into a "Prison Brotherhood" where the new guy always has to bend over.
I have no idea who you are, or who John is, or what sort if disagreement you guys had. I also don't care. I'm a user of this list, I read the threads that look interesting when I can (when I have time) and sometimes post responses. You haven't offended me and I don't owe you anything, so here is my impartial response; Your white paper is 300 pages long. That is literally 10x the length of what a white paper should be. White papers are not instruction manuals on exactly how something works and how to set it up, they're short succinct documents that give the highlights of the product, who can benefit from it, how, why etc. Who is your target audience for your writing? I read somewhere up to about half of your medium blog post. You start by explaining what different kinds of email are (spam vs phishing, transactional vs promotional) etc. This is an introduction for what email is. That's too basic for sending to a technical audience. Skip right to the main course, people have short attention spans, I hate having to skim through pages of stuff I know to find what I'm looking for. I didn't finish the blog post. I read that I'd have to create a mailbox (Dombox) for each domain I want to receive mail form and I switched off. I read further to see the examples but this killed my interest. Its too much effort for the average person. I'm emailing you now from throw-away Gmail account, which is free with world class spam filtering, I get like 1 spam email in my inbox per month. 1! And the reason I have this Gmail account is so that I can be reckless with handing out this this email address and it has no negative consequences for me. It's signed up to about 50 mailing lists right now, I get hundreds of emails. If I had to create an entry for each domain I wanted to received mail from I'd pull my eyes out with frustration. Also, this already exists. I could just run my own mail server and deny a mail except from domains or addresses which I have explicitly white listed in my server config, so how is your solution bettering that? I can even use a two step system: free email with Gmail to use their excellent spam filtering which my server then pulls via IMAP and drops anything not in my whitelist. Sorry, I just don't see the benefit (or at least, I couldn't see it in the few 2 thousand words of your blog, if its not clear by this point, why would I read on, I'm too busy to have to read more than a couple of thousands words and still not get to a clear description of the benefits you're offering). Cheers, James.