This huge conversation has been fun to follow. I like my IPv6 transition plan: Instead of moving the mountains and breaking my back to migrate (by myself) my ENTIRE not-so-small organization to IPv6, I keep things going on IPv4 relatively burden-less to my organization till I retire. Then the contractor that comes in after me (certainly a contractor, because the pool of clueful people to hire is small and getting smaller) can execute the transition and make a killing by causing more problems, and draining budgets to fix those problems, which cause more problems, etc... in a nice vicious cycle. I could even decide to be said contractor! My CISO is on my side. He DEMANDS as critical components of his Security Posture: IPv4 NAT, and easier-to-type IPv4 ACL segmentation (clueful people to hire is small)! :) This plan continues to be self-validating. I like my plan. - Matt On Mar 24, 2022, at 5:44 AM, Mark Delany <k3f@november.emu.st<mailto:k3f@november.emu.st>> wrote: On 24Mar22, Pascal Thubert (pthubert) allegedly wrote: Hello Mark: Any such "transition plan" whether "working" or "straightforward" is logically impossible. Why anyone thinks such a mythical plan might yet be formulated some 20+ years after deploying any of ipv6, ipv4++ or ipv6-lite is absurd. This is dishonest My point is that if there was a real transition plan it would have been invented and executed by now and we'd all be on ipv6. Yet the reality is that here we are some 20 years later with no plan and no ubiquitous ipv6. How is that observation dishonest? considering that I just proved on this very thread that such ideas existed I don't know why you're conflating an idea with a plan - they are about as far away from each other as is possible. Frankly no one cares about ideas, they're a dime a dozen. A plan is an actionable, compelling and logical set of steps towards an end result. Do you have such a thing for moving everyone on the planet to ipv6? Here's a simple test of whether you have a plan or not. I'm connected via my legacy ipv4 ISP router completely oblivous to ipv6. How does your plan incentivise me to upgrade my router to support ipv6? When you have an answer to that, you might have a glimmer of a plan. Mark.