On Thu, 13 Sep 2001, Matthew S. Hallacy wrote:
Because our airports have been built, and rebuilt without this in mind, as it is now you basicly walk in the front door, hit the metal detectors, then you're in the airport.
And then there are the people who work at the detectors. "Turn on your cell phone so it beeps" "Turn on your pager so it beeps" What? What does that prove? If I went to all the trouble to put a weapon/bomb into a cell phone, don't you think I would go the extra mile to make it beep? I get that every time I fly out of San Diego. My best experience so far has been in Spokane, WA. We thought we were going to be late, so were hauling down the corridors, and I got stopped since I had my backpack with some of my tools in it. Very nice gentleman pulled me aside and asked if I had any weapons. "No" "Hmm, how about a Leatherman?" "Oh, yep, front zipper pocket" "OK, we just wanted to make sure." Oh, and if you happen to fit a certain 'look', you'll get pulled aside and wand searched, and all of your carryons will be searched. (I happen to have a long ponytail, and tend to wear my leather when flying to Colorado or Nebraska, I've been searched 8 times in 5 years, and I've only flown around 12). The current system needs to be overhauled, and competent people who have definitive standards to live up to need to be doing the searches. Am not sure who suggested a Federal agency be put in charge of this, but its a darn good idea. toddler