On Mon, 23 May 2005 15:24:20 EDT, Daniel Golding said:
A bizarre assertion was made that only a "few" are implementing SPF, which is demonstrably untrue. Its getting implemented because its easy, not
"It's easy to deploy an incomplete solution". Why does my Spidey-sense scream that this is a train wreck about to happen? ;)
because its complete. This obsession with perfection will (as usual) result in exactly no progress. Folks need to be willing to get 70% of the benefit for 10% of the effort.
There's probably a *large* difference between: a) The number of sites that deployed an SPF DNS entry b) The number of sites that bit the bullet and *didnt* put "~all" at the end. c) The number of sites checking other site's SPF records d) The number of sites rejecting mail due to (possibly in part) bad/missing SPF. The number of sites doing (a) is likely high. How many are doing b-d? In addition, I suspect a large percentage of sites who deployed SPF to any extent are thinking it solves 70% of *one* problem, when it's actually a 70% solution for something else....