Derik, 1. Yes, you still use tunnelbroker.net if you wish you your own IPv6 PI space tunneled. HE does require you to have an ASN as well. With this you can multihome up to 5 of their PoPs. Find more info at their site: http://tunnelbroker.net/ However, they will give you up to 5 tunnels, each with a /64 and optional /48 allocated from their address space. However as this is allocated from their address space, you cannot multihome with it. They also do have a premium service you can purchase for IPv6 transit as well: http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/06/06/idUS130127+06-Jun-2011+BW20110606 Also they will sell you native IPv6 with IPv4 service as well. You provide the circuit to them. http://he.net/ip_transit.html 2. If you have transit only with HE, all IPv6-connected Internet users can access you with the except of those single-homed to Cogent or Level 3. Both Cogent and Level 3 refuse to route any IPv6 traffic destined to HE. Having said that, Hurricane Electric has the most IPv6 peers at present (more than 3 times the amount of Cogent and Level 3): http://bgp.he.net/AS6939 I'm using HE for multihomed transit using my PI /44 and ASN (AS19621). I'm waiting while AT&T and Verizon try to upgrade their PoPs (AT&T in San Jose, Verizon in Sacramento) to provide me transit on my existing enterprise IPv4 circuits. I'll continue to use HE as backup transit even once I get IPv6 connectivity to either or both of the telcos. The nice thing is that you can get your feet wet with HE for free and no commitment and get started now while the giants still sleep. Plus, who knows, HE may remain an IPv6 giant as others grow up, and perhaps this will raise their IPv4 status to that of coveted Tier 1. Maybe IPv4 transmit won't matter in 10 years, and they'll just stay the top IPv6 dog. Jason Roysdon On 06/28/2011 06:15 PM, Deric Kwok wrote:
Thank you all Two questions:
If I get the HE as upstream to advertsie our ipv6,
1/ Do we still have www.tunnelbroker.net as tunneling connection?
2/ All the internet users can access our ipv6 website?
Thank you
On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 2:09 PM, Kenny Sallee <kenny.sallee@gmail.com> wrote:
I did this by creating a 6to4 tunnel to a relay provided by
6in4, not 6to4. While HE do operate 6to4 relays, the brokered tunnel service is 6in4.
A very important distinction I didn't have clear in my head. To regurgitate some reading I just completed: both methods use v6 in v4 tunneling using ip proto 41 in the IPv4 protocol field. However, 6to4 derives the IPv4 tunnel destination of an IPv6 packet based on bits 17-48 of the IPv6 packet - which when converted, equals the 32 bit IPv4 destination. While 6in4 is statically configured IPv4 source and destination IP addresses on the Tunnel (gre) interface. In Cisco world the config comes down to 'tunnel mode ipv6ip' vs 'tunnel mode ipv6ip 6to4' and a few other lines of config. Of course there are a lot more details then that searchable via google. Thanks for pointing out my mistake - it helped me learn some more! Later, Kenny