Monday, May 17, 2004, 12:32:29 PM, you wrote: MC> My old setup was 4 dual-PIII 550Mhz, 1 GIg RAM running MC> Qmail/Qmail-ldap/spamassasin/F-Secure AV. My inbox would get 300+ MC> spams/day, many of them not tagged at all MC> This setup would melt on a regular basis when spam floods would come in Not to thread jack or anything, but when I first moved our cluster to Spam Assassin, I was disappointed at the amount of messages that would get past Spam Assassin at even a low threshold of 2. I Googled around and found a bunch of rulesets that once installed, started tagging those hard to get messages. http://www.rulesemporium.com/ is a good place to start if anybody else is running Spam Assassin straight out of the box. Regards, Joe Boyce --- InterStar, Inc. - Shasta.com Internet Phone: +1 (530) 224-6866 x105 Email: jboyce@shasta.com