forrestc@imach.com writes
Standard Dialup SLIP, CSLIP and PPP customers will be allocated a Single Static IP Address to be used to configure their software. There are many advantages to be gained by Statically allocating the numbers, including the ability to have multiple mailboxes by using SMTP, etc.
How about a pool of dynamic addresses for most folks and static for only those who have a _real_ need for such a thing. That way you don't tie up a lot of addresses for occasional and casual users who have no _real_ need for static addresses. Ease of configuration of software should not be a reason for static addresses. Brian D. Brian Kimmel Kimbro, Inc. Voice: (206) 937-8381 Seattle, WA USA http://www.kimbro.com briank@kimbro.com Washington Internet Provider List http://www.kimbro.com/providers.html