While I view that statement with trepidation, my first guess would one that isn't in violation of state or federal law. About the only things I can think off hand, ie stuff we get told to take down as hosters today, are sites violating copyright law and child pornography. I hope that we don't see any additions to that list. Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- http://twitter.com/kscotthelms -------------------------------- On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 2:24 PM, Bruce H McIntosh <bhm@ufl.edu> wrote:
On 2015-02-27 14:14, Jim Richardson wrote:
What's a "lawful" web site?
Now *there* is a $64,000 question. Even more interesting is, "Who gets to decide day to day the answer to that question?" :)
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bruce H. McIntosh bhm@ufl.edu Senior Network Engineer http://net-services.ufl.edu University of Florida Network Services 352-273-1066