On 3-okt-2007, at 5:20, William Herrin wrote:
1. End the insanity of having software prefer IPv6 if available (AAAA records over A records).
Insanity? Using IPv6 by default can lead to suboptimal results, but there's really no alternative: even in the IETF people think I'm a few bits short of a /128 when I talk about running IPv6-only. And as long as you have both IPv4 and IPv6 connectivity and prefer IPv4, you're never going to see if IPv6 even works, let alone how well.
2. Figure out a PI solution for IPv6 capable of scaling to the equivalent of hundreds of millions of routes in the core at a per-route cost two orders of magnitude less than it is today.
Sure: http://www.muada.com/drafts/draft-van-beijnum-multi6-isp-int-aggr-01.txt
3. Produce IPv6 NAT.
Believe it or not, there are already products that do IPv6 NAT.