Jan,,, *all* belong to UU.NET and are used for multiple nationwide ISP dialups. Send mail to abuse@uu.net, and consider blocking these prefixes from connecting to your SMTP servers. Jay Stewart Vice President Olympia Networking Services - "Olympia's Premier ISP" Phone (360) 753.3636 Fax (360) 357.6160 http://www.olywa.net --------------------- C:\>whois -h whois.arin.net UUNET Technologies, Inc. (NET-UUNETCUSTB37) 3060 Williams Drive Fairfax, VA 22031 Netname: UUNETCUSTB37 Netnumber: Coordinator: Uunet, AlterNet - Technical Support (OA12-ARIN) help@UUNET.UU.NET +1 (800) 900-0241 Alternate Contact: UUNET Postmaster (UUPM-ARIN) postmaster@uunet.uu.net 703-206-5440 Domain System inverse mapping provided by: HUGIN.UU.NET MUNIN.UU.NET AUTH60.NS.UU.NET Record last updated on 21-May-97. Database last updated on 8-May-98 16:08:58 EDT. The ARIN Registration Services Host contains ONLY Internet Network Information: Networks, ASN's, and related POC's. Please use the whois server at rs.internic.net for DOMAIN related Information and nic.ddn.mil for MILNET Information. -----Original Message----- From: Jan Czmok <czmok@ipf.de> To: nanog@merit.edu <nanog@merit.edu> Date: Monday, May 11, 1998 9:19 AM Subject: Spam .. Find the sender !
We got some spam mail from
Received: from 1cust151.tnt1.tampa.fl.da.uu.net (HELO byte007) ( by relay.ipf.net with SMTP; 10 May 1998 04:47:58 -0000
and i cannot query the database (arin , ripe or radb) for the owner of this network. Any hints ?
If we can find the sender, then we go for a hunt against this spammers.
So far...
more headers :
Return-Path: hioqibua38@msn.com
Delivery-Date: Sun May 10 04:48:03 1998 Received: (qmail 26693 invoked from network); 10 May 1998 04:48:03 -0000 Received: from claven.cse.psu.edu (HELO cse.psu.edu) ( by finch.cse.psu.edu with SMTP; 10 May 1998 04:48:03 -0000 Received: from relay.ipf.net (relay.ipf.net []) by cse.psu.edu (8.8.8/8.7.3) with SMTP id AAA21505 for <0000@0000.cs.psu.edu>; Sun, 10 May 1998 00:48:02 -0400 (EDT) Date: Sun, 10 May 1998 00:48:02 -0400 (EDT) From: hioqibua38@msn.com Received: (qmail 13706 invoked from network); 10 May 1998 04:47:58 -0000 Received: from 1cust151.tnt1.tampa.fl.da.uu.net (HELO byte007) ( by relay.ipf.net with SMTP; 10 May 1998 04:47:58 -0000 To: hioqibua38@msn.com Comments: Authenticated sender is <hioqibua38@msn.com> Errors-To: shadow007@hotmail.com Subject: DO YOU KNOW HIS OR HER BACKGROUND??? Message-Id: <199805103688SAA3125@post.ipf.net>