On Mon, Aug 30, 1999 at 03:44:01PM -0400, John G. Scudder said:
At 12:34 PM -0700 8/30/99, Russell Briggs wrote:
Um, Cisco uses as length and igp metrics in the route selection process. This is hardly in compliance with the RFC.
Actually, IGP metric is just fine, it's in RFC 1771.
I read that section of the rfc, and yes, that is correct. Thanks for pointing that out. --Russb
Use of AS path length is, as you say, hardly in compliance.
--John -- John Scudder email: jgs@ieng.com Internet Engineering Group, LLC phone: (734) 213-4939 x14 122 S. Main, Suite 280 fax: (734) 669-8661 Ann Arbor, MI 48104 www: http://www.ieng.com
-- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Russell Briggs TEL: 512-322-9200 Senior Network Engineer CEL: 512-633-5983 Onramp Access, Inc. FAX: 512-476-2878 russb@quadrunner.com http://www.onr.com/