At 01:39 PM 5/31/2005, Jason Frisvold wrote:
On 5/31/05, Chris Ranch <CRanch@affinity.com> wrote:
Looks like they want us to turn over customer info without the subpoena, but simply with a phone call (or whatever) from an investigator. I would hope that would be just for specific accounts, and not the entire customer list. In any event, now we're going to have to at least confirm the investigator's identity, whereas currently the sub carries sufficient authority.
Ugh.. Ok, so it's a "Hi, I'm an FBI Agent. Gimme info on Joe Blow and Mary Jane" and I'm supposed to jump and give out that info... No questions asked...
An NSL is hand delivered to an ISP, not faxed or mailed. The person delivering that NSL must present identification, and hands the NSL over to the ISP. The NSL must be hand-delivered back (again, not faxed or mailed). The person picking it up must present to me proper identification in order to receive it. I have never received an NSL that was faxed or otherwise delivered to me without proper authorization and identification, either at Road Runner or Adelphia. -MH W. Mark Herrick, Jr. Director - Data and Network Security - Adelphia Communications 5619 DTC Parkway, Greenwood Village, CO 80111 (O) 303-268-6440 (C) 720-252-5929 (F) 303-268-6687 AIM: AdelphiaSecWMH