Nathan, This has nothing to do with 'responding' to you in public. Sean, was just providing a helpful list of providers at the NAPS (which was quite out of date before). It did not target anybody in a derogatory way, nor did I think he intended to. If you had some additional information, just drop him a personal email and I'm sure he'll update it. He did it as an favor for everybody to have some sort of reference (no profit motive, no hostility, and/or otherwise). This "Please do not put information about other provider up without checking it out first." is just not necessary. I'm quite happy he did it and consider the information helpful and hope he continues to provide it. It really is unavailable elsewhere. Ed On Tue, 1 Apr 1997, Nathan Stratton wrote: :> You prodded me into updating my exchange point matrix. I don't claim its :> perfect, or more up to date than a few minutes ago. Things change quickly :> in this business. : :Well, since you posted this in public I will respond in public. : :> Netrail(4006) Y Y Y : :You need to update your list BAD. We are connected to all but one of your :NAPs listed. We wanted to be at Sprint-NAP 4 months ago, but they did not :have the gigaswitch port, or the physical space for our hardware. Please do :not put information about other provider up without checking it out first. : :NAP Status Speed IP VPI/VCI :Ameritech-NAP UP DS3 ATM 1/34 :Atlanta-NAP UP Full Duplex FDDI :CIX UP Half Duplex FDDI :MAE-East UP Half Duplex FDDI :MAE-West UP Half Duplex FDDI :PACBell UP OC-3 ATM 1/34 :PAIX UP Switched Ethernet :Sprint-NAP 4/4/97 FDDI : : :Nathan Stratton President, NetRail,Inc. :------------------------------------------------------------------------ :Phone (888)NetRail NetRail, Inc. :Fax (404)522-1939 230 Peachtree Suite 500 :WWW http://www.netrail.net/ Atlanta, GA 30303 :------------------------------------------------------------------------ :"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about :itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34 :