-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 On 2 dec 2008, at 00.47, Randy Bush wrote:
Despite the huge amount of "content which transcends the language barrier" [tip of the hat wbn], it is worth noting that there is a non-trivial amount of language-/culture-specific traffic that doesn't need or want to traverse globally (viz massive IXes & large xTTH deplyoments in otherwise 'small' countries). Sometimes that maps near to the political boundaries.
<http://archive.psg.com/970210.nanog.pdf> slide 6
of course, these data are a bit long in the tooth
I most say I agree with Randy, already in 2001 I had a presentation (that Randy and those of you at RIPE in Dubai saw a copy of in EIX-WG) based on data from the KPNQwest network - where we saw that data had shifted from 80% US based to 80% national or regional. This was a clear change in traffic patterns all across Europe, at least from the data that I saw then. And keep in mind that this was before p2p skewed the data of user behavior. I have been arguing for the theory that 1. Dense exchange of traffic in Europe early on came as a result of a) Dereguation in the telco market b) Unwillingess to pay the "big US telcos" for exchange of local/ european traffic 2. The dense exchange of traffic made local services more viable and attractive 3. (2) Helped local(-language) services develop 4. (3) Helped the development of broadband adoption I do realize that the above is a huge simplification (And the slide set is much longer, and the paper will be even longer), but there are still lessons to be learnt in how the local language services and dense peering developed in Europe. Best regards, - - kurtis - -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.8 (Darwin) iEYEARECAAYFAkk1dBcACgkQAFdZ6xrc/t66+wCdFttkZsBxN7UuHlIS8x3jWFE1 3E8An2mfO++tc2BjO918KDf7yq0XVMJo =D078 -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----