On Jun 19, 2014, at 11:48 , Harald Koch <chk@pobox.com> wrote:
On 19 June 2014 14:07, Daniel Ankers <md1clv@md1clv.com> wrote:
How does it use those 6 /64s? That seems to be getting towards the interesting times where the way devices work with v6 is very different to how they would have worked with v6
Bridging between (slow) 802.11 and (fast) ethernet is hard to do right, so CeroWRT configures all interfaces as separate LANs and routes between them instead. It does this on the IPv4 side too; it's not specific to IPv6.
This breaks a lot of things (like Apple Bonjour), so I'm not convinced it's a *useful* technique for home networks.
Bonjour can be fixed for the IPv6 environment simply by changing it's packets to be sent to ff05::... instead of ff02::... I presume that the CeroWRT (and any other properly functioning router) can be configured so that ff05:: packets are delivered to all interfaces within the site however the administrator defines "within the site". Owen