On Saturday, April 26, 1997 12:54 PM, Carl Oppedahl[SMTP:carl@oppedahl.com] wrote: @ At 04:31 PM 04/26/97 -0400, Vince Wolodkin wrote: @ @ >The only @ >thing NSI has truly done that is awful is their TM dispute policy, and @ >the IAHC has taken that very thing under its own wing. @ @ Unfortunately for the Internet community, NSI has made it clear that it @ doesn't plan to yield any control over .COM to anyone else, ever: @ @ Networks Solutions seemed more definite. "It is not our @ intention to share .com or the others [domains] we @ register," Network Solutions spokesman @ Christopher Clough said. "Those would obviously [be] @ assets that we've developed . . . much as Microsoft @ wouldn't share DOS," its proprietary software. @ Network Solutions favors competition, but only in the @ registration of new types of domains, Clough said. @ @ (Network Solutions Dropped as Registrar Of Internet @ Domains, By David S. Hilzenrath, April 24 1997; The Washington Post.) @ @ Thus, it seems likely that (barring a shift in control over .COM) NSI would @ continue forever, carrying out its awful policy and putting innocent domain @ name owners out of business. @ @ The only way that innocent domain name owners will have the cloud of NSI's @ awful domain name policy lifted from their heads is if indeed the control @ over .COM shifts elsewhere. So far as I can see, the most likely way for @ that to happen is if IAHC's plans move forward and are put into place. @ @ @ @ @ People and companies can now register in other domains than .COM. Why would a company want a .COM domain when they can have something more expressive ? -- Jim Fleming Unir Corporation http://www.Unir.Corp Check out...http://www.Naperville.Mall