On 3/3/25 04:38, Niels Bakker via NANOG wrote:
Agreed on both counts. Look at this monstrosity:
Subject: [NANOG] Re: [NANOG]Re: Hardware for MPLS/SR network
That happened since the "[NANOG]" was changed to "[NANOG] " and mailman will only catch the current prefix. Mailman will find any instance of "[NANOG] " in the header, remove it and a "Re: " if at the start of the subject. Currently the list is configured to rewrite the from as being from the list, ex: "From: Bryan Fields via NANOG <nanog@lists.nanog.org>". It is possible to see if the signature on the inbound message was valid by looking at the "Authentication-Results: lists.nanog.org" header, as DKIM-Filter is running on the mailserver. -- Bryan Fields 727-409-1194 - Voice http://bryanfields.net