The copper technologies of DOCSIS and xDSL are well established in residential deployments and they are asymmetric by design. I don't think near-symmetric speeds are on the CableLab's and Broadband Forum's short list of future features. Even GPON is 1:4. As more fiber is deployed, I believe deployments will eventually migrate to some variation of EPON where symmetricity is built into the design. In the meantime it is what it is. Somewhat tangential, has anyone graphed out the upstream/downstream ratios of the various technologies (various generations of dial-up, DSL, fiber, etc)? Frank -----Original Message----- From: Mohacsi Janos [mailto:mohacsi@niif.hu] Sent: Saturday, September 03, 2011 5:07 PM To: Skeeve Stevens Cc: nanog@nanog.org Subject: Re: iCloud - Is it going to hurt access providers? <snip> In my opinion. Home networking (including personal clouds) have to change the brain damaged model of asymmetric tail technologies. Giving back the original peer-to-peer nature of networking the asymmetricity of the access technologies will not be tolerable in such a level (1:10) we have today. Maybe 1:2 should be more acceptable. You don't have to worry bout this changes, but access provider cannot claim any longer 100MBps (while upload speed ~10 Mbps), but probably 60-70 Mbps (with upload ~ 30 Mbps).... They have to retune access services. Best Regards, Janos