22 Mar
22 Mar
4:21 p.m.
But I was unclear, not asking about v4 vs. v6, but about caring for / contributing to evolution of network protocols, or not.
Some evolution has happened in the IPv6 world, more could happen, so it gets better. Or throw the baby?
maybe you're talking to the wrong guy. i gave a lot of blood getting dren like tla, nla, ... removed. and in the final week was told by the ietf v6 wg chair that operators did not know what a logarithm was. iij deployed v6 on our backbone in 1997. oh, and i have the tee shirt and the coffee cup. and ipv6 is still a massive pain, and our bean counters, $diety bless 'em, did not like what ipv6 deployment cost us. we are all road kill (a bad pun iff you were there) randy