Hello All: I would appreciate, if you could address the following questions as per your perceived vision of the future and experiences with the past such technologies: -- Would MPLS make it's way into MANs given the driving forces or promises of: (1) the VPNs, the Circuit Emulation service offering (from the user perspective), and (2) the Load balancing, the Fault Restoration, the scalability and the Unified control plane with CWDM/DWDM optical switches (from the network service provider point of view)? -- Is/Are there any MAN network service provider(s) considering the MPLS enabled networks for their future network architectures? If so how soon it could be? -- Would the Gigabit Ethernet be widely adopted as link layer for MPLS in the MANs given the investment in the Gigabit Ethernet based infrastructure that is already there? Would they complement well (for instance, load balancing, fault restoration) given the fact there are similarities in both of the approaches (tag switching, some QoS features)? -- Would pure IP and MPLS enabled domains co-exist for any reason that is not technical in nature? If so, what would be the motivation beyond legacy support? Regards, Srihari Varada TranSwitch Corporation 3 Enterprise Dr. Shelton, CT 06484.