Yes that is an exception... not what happened in this case.... You can come up with a lot of valid exceptions... There are many reasons why a Tier 1 provider does not stick all its eggs in multi-tenant buildings... smart things can be done with site selection. I am not saying ever customer needs to keep their network like this... but the really bug guys at the core of their network yes. JD On Fri, 12 Aug 2005, Geo. wrote:
-----Original Message----- From: owner-nanog@merit.edu [mailto:owner-nanog@merit.edu]On Behalf Of James D. Butt
Unless there is some sort of crazy story related to why a service provider could not keep the lights on, this should have not been an issue with proper operations and engineering.
The building where one of our nodes sites got hit with an electrical fire in the basement one day, the fire department shut off all electrical to the whole building including the big diesel generators sitting outside the back of the building so all we had was battery power until that ran out 6 hours later.
How do you prepare for that?
George Roettger Netlink Services