Subject: Re: Smurfing *> o All router administrators on the immediately reachable *> Internet needs to turn off directed broadcasts on their router *> interfaces. It's conceivable that "a significant portion of *> all" would do as well, but the magnitude of this problem *> boggles the mind. First of all, we'd need to distribute the *> appropriate amount of clue to all the corners of the net where *> this needs to happen. Maybe, just maybe, we'll get there *> sometime (I'm an optimist!).
On Feb 13, 2:52pm, Randy Bush wrote: * *why should this not have become the default mode for all vendor diustributed *router code? * *randy
-- End of excerpt from Randy Bush
Perhaps because RFC 1812, "Requirements for IP Version 4 Routers" (which I believe is still current) needs to be updated/made obsolete? Excerpted from section 5.3.5: A router MAY have an option to disable receiving network-prefix- directed broadcasts on an interface and MUST have an option to disable forwarding network-prefix-directed broadcasts. These options MUST default to permit receiving and forwarding network-prefix- directed broadcasts. Or perhaps because the folks on this list haven't made it clear enough to their vendors that the default should be "off" <hint>. Kelly J.