In article <!&!AAAAAAAAAAAuAAAAAAAAAKTyXRN5/+lGvU59a+P7CFMBAN6gY+ZG84BMpVQcAbDh1IQAA AATbSgAABAAAAAP+1+63SBGRYYQR0hFiqgsAQAAAAA=@iname.com>, Frank Bulk - iNAME <frnkblk@iname.com> writes
One way to provide protection is too allow those who have the domain portion of any domain.(com|net|org|...) to have first dibs for the domain of any new gTLD. i.e. if nanog.org, nanog.com, nanog.net, etc. would have first dibs on nanog.thisisgreatstuff.
Or is that too simplistic and fraught with division?
perry.com perry.net perry.org perry.eu (etc...) and one of mine: perry.co.uk All have different registrants. Now, what I did think this week in Paris, listening to all this stuff, was that maybe there could be one big race/auction for something like mytrademark.sunrise, and then all the sunrise periods of all the other new tlds should automatically import as a reserved name, all the mytrademarks (but if the registration wasn't taken up by the end of the sunrise period, it could be thrown back in the pot). -- Roland Perry