I work for a Telephone/ISP/CATV/Security company.... We used ACME Packet SBC years ago, then migrated to our MetaSwitch IP phone system with Perimeta SBC https://www.metaswitch.com/products/core-network/perimeta-sbc If you would like to talk to the voice engineers that I work with, let me know and I can put you in touch with them. They work closely with those two products (Like I said we migrate away from Acme packet years ago, from what I understand it might be an Oracle product now) Aaron
On Aug 8, 2018, at 6:56 PM, Ryan Finnesey <ryan@finnesey.com> wrote:
I am going to have to install a series of SBCs for a voice offering connected to Microsoft Teams. We are going to pass the SIP traffic off to a larger number of SIP providers. I would like to get some feedback from the group on SBC vendors. I have two options for vendors Ribbon or AudioCodes. I am leaning towards a software based SBC over an appliance.
Would be helpful to get the other members feedback on Ribbon or AudioCodes deployments within their networks.
Cheers Ryan