"Callahan, Richard M, GVSOL" <rmcallahan@att.com> writes:
The other side of this coin is her responsibilities are to sell specifically to ISP's, she is young, aggressive and very successful.
Perhaps you can share her personal email account information with the list? From time to time I have random stuff to sell that might be appealing to a young, aggressive, and very successful sales exec. I know I'm not alone and though I'm far too ethical to spam people, I'm sure there are other folks here who would love to return the favor.
AT&T's new rate structure has been significantly reduced and this was an expedient way to get the word out. For nearly 80% of those on her mail list, there has been a very positive response and many smiling faces at the money they will be saving. I do not mean this to be a sales pitch, just a different perspective.
All of AT&T's competitors' rate structures have been significantly reduced over the past couple of years too; I wonder how many people are deciding that they'll invoke the Boulder Pledge (*) and take their business elsewhere. Please pass that comment along to management too, if you would. ---Rob (*) http://www.panix.com/~tbetz/boulder.shtml