Then you get some networks who name all the routers after cheeses or characters from bill and ben the flowerpot men. -- Leigh Mark Tinka wrote:
On Friday 15 June 2007 00:27, Olsen, Jason wrote:
So, what practices do you folks follow? What are the up and downsides you encounter?
At my previous employer, we came up with a formula that we were happy with. For reverse DNS, it involves:
* defining the interface * defining the device function * defining the local location * defining the international location
o device interface could be:
fa-0-0-0 gi-1-0-0 s0-0-0 pos-1-0 tun0
this also takes subinterfaces into account; for cases where we've had to classify a switch VI the "routes" IP traffic:
o device function could be:
br-gw (border router) cr-gw (core router) cr-sw (core switch) edge-gw (edge router) edge-sw (edge switch)
o device local location; we normally define this using the IATA 3-letter international city/airport code:
LAX (Los Angeles ABV (Abuja) DXB (Dubai) CPH (Copenhagen) MEL (Melbourne) HKG (Hong Kong)
it is not uncommon to have towns or cities being abbreviated by the locals in some other way, either because they do not care for the IATA code :-), or if they do, are not included in the IATA database; in this case, you may use your imagination; for us, depending on the length of the name, we spell out the full town's name.
o device international location is easily defined if your TLD is based on a country, e.g., .uk, .ae, .ke, .za, .na, e.t.c. for situations where your domain name would end in a non-region specific TLD, e.g., .com, .net, .org, e.t.c., one would prefix a state or country (in the case of a global network) to the domain name, e.g.:
.uk.somelargenetwork.com .za.somelargenetwork.com
things could get interesting if you setup multiple PoP's in another location that would still fall under your .com or other such TLD, but there are ways to fix that :-).
So, a final example of, say, core router number 5 and edge switch number 3 located in a datacentre of a local Australian ISP in Melbourne:
gi-0-0-1.cr-gw-5-mel.somenetworknetwork.com.au vlan876.edge-sw-3-mel.somenetwork.com.au
Say a large network, whose home network was the US, decided to setup a single PoP in Johannesburg that included one core router and one border router, but whose domain name ended in .net, it would look something like this:
pos-3-0.cr-gw-1-jnb.za.somelargenetwork.net gi-0-0-1.br-gw-1-jnb.za.somelargenetwork.net
You could then use the script Joe Abley kindly posted earlier to automatically generate your entries.
Of course, this was our own approach. Different folks have different strokes.
Hope this helps.