Thanks HC, Two things. I was told this was not a topic for this list. Sorry about that. Since I've already posted, I think I should post what the problem was. Problem=I'm stupid. I wasn't looking in the right place for what I was advertising. I ran: router#sh ip bgp nei adv BGP table version is 43, local router ID is Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal, r RIB-failure, S Stale Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete Originating default network Network Next Hop Metric LocPrf Weight Path *> 0 32768 i router# I was looking for the network, but not the line that stated: Originating default network So it was advertising and I've verified it on the remote peers (which I should have done first!). Still doesn't answer why CISCO says you apply default orig to the peer, not the peer group (which we've proven is backwards). It shouldn't be this way since you may want to use the peer group as a template for multiple customers, but they may not all want 0/0 sent to them. ALSO I didn't need to have 0/0 in my local routing table nor did I need to add the BGP command "Synchronization." According to CISCO (which is actually accurate), it will originate default UNCONDITIONALLY, which it does. I'm still concerned about applying the command to the peer vs. the peer group issue. Sorry about having posted this to Nanog, I'll filter my future questions more carefully. Thanks for everyone who answered! -=Vandy=- -----Original Message----- From: Haesu [mailto:haesu@towardex.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2003 2:04 PM To: nanog@merit.edu Subject: Re: Why can't I default Originate? After you applied default-originate to peer-group, have you done soft-clear of your bgp session? It usually takes a little while for changes in config to propagate, unless you force an update using soft clear... -hc -- Sincerely, Haesu C. TowardEX Technologies, Inc. WWW: http://www.towardex.com E-mail: haesu@towardex.com Cell: (978) 394-2867 On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 12:43:35PM -0700, Vandy Hamidi wrote:
Platform: Cisco 7206VXR SW: Version 12.2(15)T2
router#sh run | b bgp router bgp 65011 no synchronization bgp log-neighbor-changes bgp confederation identifier 12345 bgp confederation peers 65001 65021 bgp deterministic-med bgp dampening network mask neighbor Confed-Peer-Group peer-group neighbor Confed-Peer-Group update-source FastEthernet1/1 neighbor Confed-Peer-Group next-hop-self neighbor Confed-Peer-Group version 4 neighbor Confed-Peer-Group soft-reconfiguration inbound neighbor Confed-Peer-Group filter-list 2 in neighbor Confed-Peer-Group filter-list 1 out neighbor remote-as 65001 neighbor peer-group Confed-Peer-Group neighbor password 7 05211F2C105211F2C1666B neighbor remote-as 65001 neighbor peer-group Confed-Peer-Group neighbor password 7 05211F2C105211F2C1666B no auto-summary
router#conf t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
router(config)#router bgp 65011
router(config-router)#neighbor default-originate % Invalid command for a peer-group member router(config-router)#
According to Cisco: All members of a peer group must share identical outbound announcement policies (such as distribute-list, filter-list, and route-map), except for default-originate, which is handled on a per-peer basis even for peer group members.
I've also tried to apply to the peer group. The command is accepted, but no default origination of 0/0 is advertised to the peer(s). Thanks in advanced for any help,