It seems that it's pretty dim there. After acknowledging that the product was broken by design, they offered to replace them under warranty. Great. I wonder how Cisco feels about these jack-holes using their brand. matto On Mon, 11 Apr 2005, Roland H. Alden wrote: Mark, rest assured there is no intelligent life at Linksys. I've moved on to Netgear myself for all el-cheapo applications. It would be great if Cisco would flush Linksys and come out with a low cost line that is engineered with real Cisco DNA and a modicom of intelligent tech support. Even a decent bug database maintained by somebody that can spell TCP/IP would be a step forward. As it stands Linksys is just making Cisco look bad. I'm sure they are laughing all the way to the bank. --matt@snark.net------------------------------------------<darwin>< The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. - Edmund Burke