I started this thread, hopefully this will end it but somehow I doubt it. Fact: We were attacked. Fact: We are in a state of war Fact: The enemy doesn't have a specific geographic location we can bomb the crap out of. We as a nation must defend ourselves. If we do nothing about this because "violence and hate beget violence and hate" then it's going to happen again and again. Violence and hate then are not the opertative words here. Justice and prevention are. There are many reasons that the Muslims hate the US. These reasons cannot be easily summarized into a couple of emails. To write a history of Middle East tensions and US involvement (or even exacerbation) in these tensions would fill volumes. But here we are; we've been attacked and if we don't do something about it we will be attacked again and again. Even if we do something we will probably be attacked again. We must therefore act with switftness to eradicate (and continually prune) the organizations that exist for the purpose of defeating the United States. Enough said. Go get them! Larry Diffey