2010/3/13 Paul Stewart <pstewart@nexicomgroup.net>
Hi Folks...
With many changes going on this year in our network, I figured it's a good time to revisit our naming conventions used in our networks.
Today, we use the following example:
Core box #1, rtr=router, to=location, ge1-1-1=interface, vl20=vlan etc etc....
Hello, On our side we're using things like : xe3-3-0-154.tcr1.th2.par.as8218.eu xe3-3-0 : interface (Juniper behaviour) 154 : vlan (if we use vlans on the interface) tcr1 = first transport core router th2 = datacenter (Telehouse 2, generally 2 to 4 letters at our appreciation) par = city (Paris, using the 3 letters IATA City code, not the Airport code such as CDG for Paris) -- Pierre-Yves Maunier