Hi everyone, I've got a real head scratcher that I have come across after replacing the router on my home network. I thought I'd share because it is a fascinating issue to me. At random times, my Windows machines (Win 7 and Win 10, attached to the network via WiFi, 5GHz) lose connectivity to the Internet. They can continue to access internal resources, such as the router's admin interface. Other devices including Macs, iPhones, Android phones, and Rokus never have this issue. I realized that on the Windows machines, when the connection drops, if I run a traceroute, it dies at a certain hop every time (out in Comcast's network, who is my ISP) even though a Mac sitting right next to it is able to go all the way through to the destination. The even stranger thing I discovered last night is that if I trace to the hop before the hop that it dies at, it then dies at the hop before that (and as I trace to closer and closer hops, it dies the hop before that!) This is illustrated in the traces I've captured here: http://pastebin.com/raw/R1UHLi0U For what it's worth, the router is a Linksys EA7300 that I just picked up. I can't even imagine what would cause this issue at this point. If anyone has any thoughts, I'd love to hear them! I'm going to start studying some packet captures to see if I can spot an issue. Best, Ryan