On Thu, 24 Feb 2000, Brian Wallingford wrote: | Specifically, what have Merit, and presumably yourself done that any | reasonably clued ISP hasn't? Aside from responsible subneting, and | standard non-intrusive filtering, what can be done? It seems to me that | beyond that, the burden of safeguarding data falls on the end-user. | Obviously, you have never visited any of the less clueful ISPs ;) Some ISPs that started with 10Mbps hubs have moved up to 100Mbps hubs. For their servers, and co-location customers. Some ISPs vlan each customer. Many do something in between both extremes. (Not that giving each customer a separate vlan is by any means extreme!!!) (Not to waste your reading time too much, but this was a topic of concern for me. Currently I use a combination of 8 port OpenBSD router plus vlans on OpenBSD to handle all ethernet connectivity in my building!) --- Reverend Chris Cappuccio http://www.dqc.org/~chris/