My Outlook Express happily presented his uuencoded file just like any other attachment, which it then offerred (no thanks) to execute for me. Whether attachments are MIME or UUE makes no difference to modern MUAs. (No) thanks to Eric Conrad for intentionally sending us a live virus; I'd managed to not get any copies so far. S | | Stephen Sprunk, K5SSS, CCIE #3723 :|: :|: Network Consulting Engineer, NSA :|||: :|||: 14875 Landmark Blvd #400; Dallas, TX .:|||||||:..:|||||||:. Email: ssprunk@cisco.com ----- Original Message ----- From: Bennett Todd To: Eric Conrad Cc: nanog@merit.edu Sent: Friday, May 05, 2000 13:18 Subject: Re: uuencoded Love Worm variant Does anyone know for sure that the uuencoded version isn't actually devenomed by the uuencoding? I.e. is there any known gateway that will turn the uuencoded attachment back into the known-virulent MIME, or any known MUA that will offer to execute the uuencoded script with a simple click? If the user has to go out of their way to expressly decode the thing into a file, then deliberately execute that file, that varient of the worm won't spread like wildfire; I'm content to let it pass.