On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 12:03 PM, Bruce H McIntosh <bhm@ufl.edu> wrote:
The REAL evil in the ISP marketplace is, of course, essentially entirely unremarked-upon - ASYMMETRY.
Hi Bruce, We part ways there. I see nothing inherently wrong with asymmetric connections. I see nothing inherently wrong with whitelist-based services either: we'll sell you web access service, not general Internet service. I see nothing inherently wrong will selling measured-rate service: Gigabit port speed, $X/gigabyte prime time, free off prime. The idea that any particular Internet-related product must fit one specific mold like symmetry is abhorrent to me. BUT Deceit is Bad Behavior. If you sell me an X megabit per second Internet access service, you should do everything reasonably within your power to make sure I can access the Internet sites of my choice at X megabits per second. Monopoly abuse is Bad Behavior. Be it cross-subsidy (make competitive overbuilding impossible by covering infrastructure cost with funds from other high-margin products) product tying (that fiber optic channel is bundled with our version of Internet service alone) or double-billing (You, Mr. Disfavored Organization must pay for access to a customer base which has already paid us for access to you). These are the real evils in the ISP marketplace. Regards, Bill Herrin -- William Herrin ................ herrin@dirtside.com bill@herrin.us Owner, Dirtside Systems ......... Web: <http://www.dirtside.com/>