Thank you for all your replys ! Sorry for the lack of more info . There are 12000s, with 12.0+ IOS , has one or more EBGP peers and 10+ IBGP . Customer gave us continuous ping and pinpoint this 60s thing . I think Chris Konger is right . We will put more memory and enable CEF on the line cards to see if its better . Ben --- Chris Konger <ckonger@internap.com> wrote:
tang bing wrote:
I found all of my backbone routers slow down every 60 seconds, it will last 5 seconds . While this happens , the CPU may get more than 70% utilization and BGP scaner is the process that chewing the CPU (50%). Customer with video stream noticed that. Cisco said it's normal. Any idea ?
The 60 second lags will be observed with any packets that are *process* switched. Fast/CEF switching aren't impacted by the minute processes. So the more traffic you can get off the CPU, the better.
BTW, if you are doing pings/traces from the routers to check this you will always observe the 60 second lags. This is because these commands are *always* process switched when executed on the router.
Chris Konger
PNAP Network Engineer 415-364-2105 direct InterNAP Network Services 415-296-8611 fax 555 Montgomery, Suite 816 415-596-4891 cell San Francisco CA 94111 888-841-2810 pgr
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